I first want to start this email with two definitions.
The definition of "freedom" and then the definition of "pandemic".
FREEDOM the quality or state of being free: such as. a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independence. c : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous freedom from care.
This can be viewed or applied to several areas in our life, home-life, job, relationships, time!
PANDEMIC A pandemic is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”. 2. The classical definition includes nothing about population immunity, virology or disease severity.
When I think of other ways to view this I think of tradition, what's trending, what everyone is doing.
I feel slightly vulnerable sharing so much of my behind the scenes... but not really, if that makes sense!
I literally have chills as I am writing. Well, I'm not really writing I am using talk-to-text to make it simple, but as I am scribing this email to you. Just dropping a ‘lil nugget for entrepreneurs to make the process of emails, newsletters , etc. a little easier for you :) - Talk - To- Text.' I believe in simplification hunni!
Okay, where were we?
Every day, for maybe the last month I have literally woken up in such Extreme Measures of gratitude. And that Gratitude has me so centered.
It feels so amazing.
It Feels So Fresh.
It Feels So aligned.
It feels so new, and at the same time it feels like I've been here before.
At the end of last quarter 2020 I decided. With feeling restricted from family, I decided my daughter and I would move. Not across the world, but to an investment property our family has and spend some time near my mom. There hasn't been a renter in the home for quite some time (by choice) so it was perfect. We made the decision to remodel it completely, and before putting it back on the market (for Air BNB), I decided we were going to give it a stay. You know break it in.
A few things. It allowed me and my daughter to be close to my mom. We had not physically touched since March or February 2020 until October 2020.
We both quarantine our homes right before my daughter and I arrived in the area. And , it gaves us something fresh and new to do for a while.
I decided if I was going to do this pandemic thing, (which really wasn't an option, I would use my FREEDOM. If I was going to really do my vision, which envolves new evolutions of FREEDOM overtime, I was going to get in full alignment with it. I was going to be willing to do some things differently.
Now most people would be thinking, "I'm not packing up, going anywhere to stay just for a few months, and leave the area I've been living in.
Who does that?
When you begin to think from a space of Limitless Possibility Everything Changes. And that's what I've done.
I sat one day and realized my daughter was in Virtual schooling, And I work from a laptop in my home. A decision I made years ago to up level, reinvent, and live life on new terms had opened up the flood gates of possibilities for me in my mind and my reality.
With the option to do virtual schooling all year given by our state at the onset of the 2020-2021 school year, even if their school decided to opt for the children to come in, I'd already decided we would do virtual all year. However, there was still a little uncomfortableness for me in my decision. I did have this little nag on the inside, because of all the world changes. The thought that my daughter's school just might open fully in the 4th quarter and then I'd be faces with thinking the what ifs? Does she need to go? Will she miss more opportunity if not, thoughts? I know there is value of them being in person and social. I didn't want my daughter to later feel she missed anything. Anything that would be happening in person if she did not have to. So yeah! That little nagging thought would arise sometimes.
Sunday, I got the one call now from my daughter's school. (Do you get that too?) They had decided that the entire rest of the school year will be virtual. This was really beautiful for me based on what I have planned. To be closer to my mom and do something different, no- tradition, exercise my freedom outside of the box of how EVERYONE ELSE does it or has been convinced to do it!
It made me think about how what I did is unconventional, taking a GAP year, moving for 8 months to a year to a second home in the middle of a pandemic. Still running my business still living my life and living from a place of freedom. I thought about all the people who also had the opportunity to work from home during this time that normally wouldn’t. Who also had the opportunity to home-school their children during this time.
I realize for some this wasn't an easy transition. I wondered how many people found Freedom in their own unique way in their life during the pandemic!
What I do know is there are many people who are ready for the Pandemic part
(that has everyone wearing masks, uncomfortable about being social, disconnected from family, travel restrictions time we are in)
still have been able to look at their lives differently.
They don't want to go back to how things used to be, how they use do things.
I believe there is a space of Abundance, Limitless Possibility and Belief you can find and get in alignment within this time.
It's what I'm experiencing right now.
I've been empowered to go even further with stepping out of the box in my life.
What is tradition anyway? Is it sometimes bondage to old ways that don't fully serve who you are and who you are becoming?
I challenge you to find NEW FFREEDOM in this season, right smack dab in the middle of a Pandemic!
I wanted to ask you today, now that things have shifted, changed, transitioned in our world. now that there has been what many are calling a global reset, . "How has it reset your thinking about what you're doing on a daily basis?"
About the life you're living and the one you feel pulled to create. About the dreams, the goals, the visions? Those things buried deep on the inside of you.
Do you want to go back to the scurry and the hurry, and the hustle bustle our world was existing in before the pandemic?
Or have you found a new sense of freedom you want to explore?
Whether it is to operate your business from home, change your business model, how you run your household, how you rest, how you live your life, how you dream, how you envision,
I invite or evoke you to lean into that!
Do you want to go back to how it was or have you decided you want new measures of freedom.
I would love to hear how things have changed for you.
How has your mind changed during this time?
Email me back and share something you've done or desire to do and create as a new normal.
Mine still stands to be stepping into new measures of freedom/
As always, I am available to support you in making it happen as well. CLICK HERE
Success on Purpose